Matrix Assassins
Matrix Assassins
The Unethical Business Methods of Big Alcohol with Maik Duennbier
#30: Step into the game with the MA girls to uncover the unethical business practices of Big Alcohol with Maik Duennbier. Maik is the Director of Strategy and Advocacy at Movendi International, the largest global social movement for development for alcohol prevention and aims to reveal the unethical business methods of the alcohol industry. Maik exposes the dark side of the industry, including the manipulative marketing strategies, conflicts of interest, shady lobbying, common misconceptions, and the detriment inflicted upon society and culture as a whole.
Some topics discussed include:
Big Alcohol, living alcohol free, Movendi International, misconceptions about alcohol, alcohol norms, the alcohol industry, unethical alcohol marketing, social anxiety, erosion of self-esteem, link to cancer and other health issues, impact on low-income individuals and communities, glyphosate, Bayer, Monsanto, drinking in moderation, marketing to children, impact of alcohol marketing in sports community, alcohol and college, health and mental health consequences, psychological manipulation, low risk consumption amounts, futility of counting drinks, alcohol prevention, alcohol lobbying, conflicts of interest, finding solutions, and so much more.
Maik’s blog posts that we discussed in the episodes:
The one about glyphosate in German beer:
Understanding Big Alcohol’s conflict of interest and that the biggest part of their profits comes from heavy alcohol users: https://movendi.ngo/blog/2020/02/22/4-clues-to-explain-big-alcohols-fundamental-conflict-of-interest/
How much the alcohol industry spends on advertising and how important it is for them: https://movendi.ngo/blog/2021/10/22/three-ways-alcohol-marketing-causes-harm-and-one-effective-solution/
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You can find Maik:
Alcohol Issues Podcast click HERE
Website: https://movendi.ngo
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